Hi all :) Back once again for a recap on the what we have been up to the last few months! Things have been so busy (as is for most of us, right?) yet good and wonderful at the same time. I thought I would post a slew of pictures to catch up and hopefully stay more on top of things on a daily basis from now on! Here we go:
Spent a lot of time at the pasture riding horses, watching Dad work with the horses, or just exploring and enjoying the out-of-doors:
Having fun at our little home-town carnival:
Going to Sam and Owen's soccer games, after soccer game, after soccer game, after game, after game, after...
Watched Dad work with the draft horse team and hitch them up to the Manwill's wagon:
Took a preschool field trip to the pumpkin patch:
A bumpy hay ride at the pumpkin patch:
A Fall photo shoot:
A trip to St. Louis (the arch is in there somewhere, lol):
A birthday party for a cute little kid:
One of our families' favorite outings - took many, many trips to cut wood (click on this picture - you gotta see Sam's face up close, that is so typically Sam - such a goof.. oh, and notice the PINK gloves... No one else would wear them but Sam was secure enough with himself that he had no problem at all using them! LOL):
Unleashed a bunch of Ninja's in our neighborhood on Halloween night:
Made gingerbread barns at Grandma Huff's:
Decorated for the Church party with a bunch of wild and crazy women (SO fun!!):
Saw Santa when he came to the Church party (the older boys were SOoooo stressed about what to say they wanted for Christmas... Blake just didn't understand why HE wore glasses but the Santa that came to his preschool didn't):
Went to Temple Square in SLC to see the lights (and FROZE):
Can you see how happy Greg is? hehe
And that about wraps it up for now - TFL if you made it this far in this post, lol! It has been a busy time, yet we have had lots of laughs, worked hard, played hard, and are so excited for Christmas in just a few days!
We drove around tonight looking at Christmas lights, singing Christmas songs along with the radio, and were feeling so blessed! It is such a wonderful time of year, I am really trying to slow down and enjoy every moment because it goes by WAY too fast. Greg and I were looking at these pictures tonight amazed at how it all seemed like just yesterday. It is so fun to look back and remember the good times and happy memories... And it is such a good reminder to do all we can to keep making more! xoxoxo
gina, thanks for sharing all those wonderful photos. they are adorable and your whole family is looking so pretty and friendly. makes me wanna meet you all!
have a wonderful christmas time with your family and friends!
Posted by: evitangel | December 23, 2008 at 09:42 AM
wow, how awesome ... your pictures are so great ...
I also have a Proejkt 365 days ..
I link your blog, if I may ..
Posted by: flohbock | January 13, 2009 at 03:14 AM
Just looking for an email address for you! Thanks!
Posted by: Janet | January 16, 2009 at 03:01 PM
You inspired me a lot.Thanks for sharing those adorable pictures.God bless you and your family.More power to you.
Posted by: gift delivery philippines | February 04, 2009 at 07:16 PM
Hey! Cute blog you guys! Jeremy found you the other day while looking up some stuff for work! E-mail us when you have some time!! Take care.
The Howards
Posted by: Sharilyn | March 07, 2009 at 11:20 PM
There's an Award waiting for you at my Blog
Posted by: Veelana | March 25, 2009 at 03:57 AM
I found you. Your family is so cute and you are just beautiful. It is so great seeing Owen outside of school living such a great life. Owen is such a great student and I just love him, you've taught him well.
Posted by: Shannan | April 08, 2009 at 06:07 PM
Just checking in to see if you still are around!
Hope all well with you and yours this Christmas :)
Posted by: Janmary, N Ireland | December 04, 2009 at 10:18 AM
Y'all look like you should be on a television sitcom! Enjoyed ALL of these lovely pictures.
Posted by: Patricia | February 11, 2010 at 12:52 AM